Life Coaching

A process that helps you move from where you are to where you want to be with a trusted thinking partner. It gives you ownership over the issue you are trying to improve while being supported and held accountable for what you really want. Coaching can help you unlock your potential in areas you never thought possible. You can start living an amazing, confident, and successful life. Trust the answers are already within YOU!

Personal / Professional Development

Growth today is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. There are many ways to develop your skills, build capacity, and sharpen your knowledge blade to stay fresh in order to conquer whatever situation you may encounter.  “Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself” —Denis Waitley. Consider the following growth options and sign up for Masterminds, Lunch-N-Learns, seminars, corporate retreats, and executive coaching.

Executive Coaching

A process that helps leaders reach new heights in leadership and communication skills while improving their ability to inspire stronger teams. A pivot in a leader’s approach can positively impact an organization’s culture. Executive coaching allows a leader to pause from mere activities to focus on significant impact. It allows a leader to re-examine their personal effectiveness, their performance, and the systems that are in place that contributes to their success. This pause helps leaders to re-energize and avoid executive fatigue. Ask  Coach Ana about her customized and accelerated coaching services.

John Maxwell Team’s Leadership Game

This comprehensive team-building exercise and communication enhancer is a fun, yet challenging experience designed to help you and your team better understand timeless leadership principles and values. Play the game with your organizations’ most influential members (your leadership team or board) and see how it can positively change the way you lead, connect, and work together.

 DISC Personality Profile Assessment

This assessment will allow you to understand how you lead yourself (inner awareness) and how you lead others (outer awareness). Your customized report and debriefing with Coach Ana will help you recognize why you often feel, think, and act the way you do. Imagine what could happen to your communication, if you learn to dance with your team members and understand the language of behavior. Teams can be composed of family members, corporate or non-profit employees, or ministry leaders. You can gain the skills to solve the people puzzle and learn key strategies to increase communication and connections using the DISC model of human behavior. Ask Coach Ana about our group rates.

The 360 Maxwell Leadership Assessment

Self-leadership is the highest form of leadership. This assessment can help leaders take an in-depth view of their leadership style based on the five levels of leadership designed to assess leaders across 64 important factors with a self-assessment and anonymous feedback from supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and others. This comprehensive 360-degree assessment allows leaders to accurately identify both their strengths and opportunity for growth. A debriefing session with Coach Ana can provide increase confidence, targeted leadership development, and enhanced team engagement.

Let’s take the next step!

We are a coaching and training company that can catapult you to new heights.